Code Combat - Get signed on!!!To join our class, follow these steps:
1) Click on the link below CodeCombat Link 2) On the first page, click on login. 3) On the next screen, click on Create Account 4) Enter your own email address OR one assigned by the CodeCombat teachers. 5) Complete the information page 6) Click on Sign Up 7) Login!! We are 21 Century students...........and we require 21st Century skills!! Did you know that a recent survey showed that 65% of the jobs which are available 20 years from now......have not even been discovered yet? Its so important to prepare students to thrive in a digital world!
In addition to apps and programs on our class computers, we use many web based tools to enhance learning in the classroom. Tools we use the most....We post assignments, daily agendas, homework, quizzes, polls, student work, and more.
Demonstrate mastery of concepts , to express their thoughts on classroom topics, and to collaborate with other students.
A fun and creative way to create online posters, including text, pictures, and video.
Easy way to create videos online, with text, music, images, and even embedded video.
Remember PowerPoint? Presentation software has come a long way! Prezi is a cloud-based presentation program that allows kids to create visually appealing projects where they can use a zoomable canvas to emphasize key ideas and connections in thinking.